Artekit PropBoard: Motion API

Motion API documentation for the Artekit PropBoard.

Motion API

Motion sensing in the PropBoard is managed through the Motion object.

class PropMotion;
PropMotion Motion;

The Motion object is already instantiated when the program begins, and has to be initialized with the Motion.begin function. After that, you can configure and use most features of the MMA8452Q sensor through the API functions.

Sensor orientation

Interrupt handling

The Motion object wraps most of the MMA8452Q 3-Axis accelerometer functionality. The MMA8452Q accelerometer is capable of detecting certain motion events using its internal DSP processor and can generate interrupts when these events are detected. This way the PropBoard processor is free from the task of polling the accelerometer asking for new event data. The Motion object supports the “Data Ready”, “Any Motion”, “Single Pulse”, and “Transient” events.

The MMA8452Q can map any of these events into 2 interrupt signals. Whenever you configure an event through the Motion.configDataReady, Motion.configAnyMotion, Motion.configTransient and Motion.configPulse functions, you will be presented with an option to map a given event to either MotionInterrupt1 or MotionInterrupt2 signals. It’s up to you to decide which event to map on which signal.

Then you can configure a function to be called whenever one of these two interrupts are signaled. The Motion.attachInterrupt function allows you to attach a signal to a function you define, much like Arduino’s attachInterrupt function does with interrupts on a pin.

For example, the code below uses the Motion.configPulse function to configure the “Pulse” event and to map the event to the MotionInterrupt1 signal. Then, the Motion.attachInterrupt attachs the MotionInterrupt1 signal to the pulseDetected function to be called when the event is detected.

volatile bool on_pulse = false;

void setup()
    // Initialize motion sensor
    // Configure serial
    // Configure pulse and map event to MotionInterrupt1
    Motion.configPulse(AxisAll, 3.78f, 500, 100, MotionInterrupt1);
    // Attach MotionInterrupt1 to the pulseDetected function
    Motion.attachInterrupt(MotionInterrupt1, pulseDetected);

void loop()
    // The on_pulse variable is set in the pulseDetected function
    if (on_pulse)
        // Pulse detected, reset variable
        on_pulse = false;
        // and write a message
        Serial.println("Pulse detected !");
        // Do other motion processing here

void pulseDetected()
    // The motion sensor signals that a pulse event was detected
    on_pulse = true;

This event-signal mapping is the recommended way to work with the motion sensor. It is also recommended not to call Motion API functions inside interrupt handlers (the pulseDetected function in the above example): set a variable that you then evaluate from the loop function instead and do the required motion processing outside the interrupt context.

If no interrupt is configured for a given event, you can still detect the event by polling using the following functions: Motion.getAnyMotionSource for “Any Motion” event, Motion.getTransientSource for “Transient” event and Motion.getPulseSource() for “Pulse event.


Call the Motion.begin function to initialize the motion sensor.


bool begin(uint8_t scale = 8, uint16_t odr = 200, bool enable = true);


The scale parameter is the sensor scale in g’s and can be one of the following values:

  • 2
  • 4
  • 8

The odr parameter is the output data rate. It sets how many samples per second the sensor will output. The lower the frequency, the higher the precision. It can be one of the following values:

  • 1
  • 6
  • 12
  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 400
  • 800

The enable parameter is used to automatically enable the sensor after the initial configuration. If true the sensor is enabled; if false the sensor remains disabled until the Motion.enable function is called.

If no parameters are provided, the Motion object is initialized and enabled with scale = 8 and output data rate = 200.


Returns true on success, false otherwise.


The following code shows the standard initialization.

void setup()

The code here below shows a custom initialization with scale = 4 and output data rate = 800.

void setup()
    // Configure the motion sensor with scale = 4 and output data rate = 800
    Motion.begin(4, 800, false);
    // Do other Motion configuration and then enable the motion sensor
    // ...


Call the Motion.end function to disable the motion sensor and de-initialize the Motion object.


void end();






Call the Motion.enable function to enable the motion sensor.


bool enable();




Returns true on success, false otherwise.


Call the Motion.disable function to disable the motion sensor.


bool disable();




Returns true on success, false otherwise.


Call the Motion.setScale function to change the scale after the motion sensor has been initialized with the Motion.begin function.


bool setScale(uint32_t scale);


The scale parameter is the sensor scale in G and can be one of the following values: * 2 * 4 * 8


Returns true on success, false otherwise.


Use the Motion.setDataRate function to change the output data rate after the motion sensor has been initialized with the Motion.begin function.


bool setDataRate(uint32_t data_rate);


The data_rate parameter is the output data rate. It sets how many samples per second the sensor will output. The lower the frequency, the higher the precision. It can be one of the following values:

  • 1
  • 6
  • 12
  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 400
  • 800


Returns true on success, false otherwise.


Configures the interrupt number to be used when a “Data Ready” event is generated from the motion sensor.


bool configDataReady(MotionInterrupt irq);


The irq parameter is the interrupt number to use and can be one of the following values:

  • MotionInterruptNone: disables the interrupt generation
  • MotionInterrupt1: use interrupt number 1
  • MotionInterrupt2: use interrupt number 2


Returns true on success, false otherwise.

See also


Use this function to configure the “Any Motion” event detection. The “Any Motion” event is an acceleration greater than force_mg parameter with a duration longer than time milliseconds.


bool configAnyMotion(Axis axis, float force_mg, uint32_t time, MotionInterrupt irq = MotionInterruptNone);


The axis parameter configures on which axis the event will be detected. Can be a combination of any of the following values:

  • AxisX: event detection enabled on X axis.
  • AxisY: event detection enabled on Y axis.
  • AxisZ: event detection enabled on Z axis.
  • AxisAll: event detection enabled on all axis.

The force_mg parameter is the required force in g’s to detect an “Any Motion” event.

The time parameter is the time in milliseconds that the acceleration has to be over force_mg for the event to become valid.

The irq parameter is the interrupt signal number for the event. It can be one of the following values:

  • MotionInterruptNone: no interrupt signal is used. The event detection has to be polled with the Motion.getAnyMotionSource function.
  • MotionInterrupt1: event is signaled through interrupt 1.
  • MotionInterrupt2: event is signaled through interrupt 2.


Returns true on success, false otherwise.


This function will enable the “High Resolution” feature of the MMA8452Q.


volatile bool on_motion = false;

void setup()
    // Initialize motion sensor
    // Configure serial
    // Configure "Any Motion" and map event to MotionInterrupt1.
    // Set to 1G during 500ms.
    Motion.configAnyMotion(AxisAll, 1, 500, MotionInterrupt1);
    // Attach MotionInterrupt1 to the motionDetected function
    Motion.attachInterrupt(MotionInterrupt1, motionDetected);

void loop()
    // The on_motion variable is set in the motionDetected function
    if (on_motion)
        // Motion detected, reset variable
        on_motion = false;
        // and write a message
        Serial.println("Motion detected !");
        // Do other motion processing here

void motionDetected()
    // The motion sensor signals that a motion event was detected
    on_motion = true;

See also


This function configures the “Transient” event. The “Transient” detection enables a high-pass filter to detect an acceleration on an axis that exceeds a set threshold excluding static acceleration. Much like the “Any Motion” event but able to better detect acceleration changes disregarding initial static acceleration.


bool configTransient(Axis axis, float force_mg, uint32_t time, MotionInterrupt irq = MotionInterruptNone);


The axis parameter configures on which axis the event will be detected. Can be a combination of any of the following values:

  • AxisX: event detection enabled on X axis.
  • AxisY: event detection enabled on Y axis.
  • AxisZ: event detection enabled on Z axis.
  • AxisAll: event detection enabled on all axis.

The force_mg parameter is the required force in g’s to detect an “Any Motion” event.

The time parameter is the time in milliseconds that the acceleration has to be over force_mg for the event to become valid.

The irq parameter is the interrupt signal number for the event. It can be one of the following values:

  • MotionInterruptNone: no interrupt signal is used. The event detection has to be polled with the Motion.getTransientSource function.
  • MotionInterrupt1: event is signaled through interrupt 1.
  • MotionInterrupt2: event is signaled through interrupt 2.


Returns true on success, false otherwise.


This function will enable the “High Resolution”, “High pass filter” and “High pass filter cutoff” feature of the MMA8452Q.


volatile bool on_transient = false;

void setup()
    // Initialize motion sensor
    // Configure serial
    // Configure "Transient" and map event to MotionInterrupt1.
    // Set to 0.5G during 100ms.
    Motion.configTransient(AxisAll, 0.5f, 100, MotionInterrupt1);
    // Attach MotionInterrupt1 to the pulseDetected function
    Motion.attachInterrupt(MotionInterrupt1, transientDetected);

void loop()
    // The on_transient variable is set in the transientDetected function
    if (on_transient)
        // Pulse detected, reset variable
        on_transient = false;
        // and write a message
        Serial.println("Transient detected !");
        // Do other motion processing here

void transientDetected()
    // The motion sensor signals that a transient event was detected
    on_transient = true;

See also


This function configures the “Pulse” detection event. A “Pulse” is a quick positive acceleration followed by a negative acceleration.


bool configPulse(Axis axis, float force_mg, uint32_t time, uint32_t latency, MotionInterrupt irq = MotionInterruptNone);


The axis parameter configures on which axis the event will be detected. Can be a combination of any of the following values:

  • AxisX: event detection enabled on X axis.
  • AxisY: event detection enabled on Y axis.
  • AxisZ: event detection enabled on Z axis.
  • AxisAll: event detection enabled on all axis.

The force_mg parameter is the required force in G to detect an “Any Motion” event.

The time parameter is the time in milliseconds the motion has to be over force_mg for the event to become valid.

The latency parameter is the minimum time in milliseconds that has to pass before considering any other “Pulse” event. “Pulse” events during this period will be ignored.

The irq parameter is the interrupt signal number for the event. It can be one of the following values:

  • MotionInterruptNone: no interrupt signal is used. The event detection has to be polled with the getTransientSource function.
  • MotionInterrupt1: event is signaled through interrupt 1.
  • MotionInterrupt2: event is signaled through interrupt 2.


Returns true on success, false otherwise.


See example for Interrupt handling.


Use this function to attach a motion sensor interrupt to a user-defined function.


bool attachInterrupt(MotionInterrupt irq, MotionInterruptCallback* callback);


The irq parameter is the motion sensor interrupt. Can be one of the following values:

  • MotionInterrupt1
  • MotionInterrupt2

The callback parameter is a pointer to a function defined as void function_name(), where function_name can be any name.


Returns true on success, false otherwise.


See example for Interrupt handling.


Call this function to read from the motion sensor the interrupt source. Useful when multiple events are attached to a single interrupt signal.


MotionEvent getInterruptSource();




The function can return a combination of the following values:

  • MotionEventNone: No events were detected
  • MotionEventDataReady: A “Data Ready” event was detected. The event has to be cleared by reading the X, Y, Z values with the (g) or (raw) functions.
  • MotionEventAnyMotion: An “Any Motion” event was detected. The event has to be cleared by calling the Motion.getAnyMotionSource() function.
  • MotionEventPulse: A “Pulse” event was detected. The event has to be cleared by calling the Motion.getPulseSource function.
  • MotionEventTransient: A “Transient” event was detected. The event has to be cleared by calling the Motion.getTransientSource function.


volatile bool on_interrupt = false;

void setup()
    // Configure "Any Motion" and map event to MotionInterrupt1.
    // Set to 1G during 500ms.
    Motion.configAnyMotion(AxisAll, 1, 500, MotionInterrupt1);
    // Configure "Transient" and map event to MotionInterrupt1.
    // Set to 0.5G during 100ms.
    Motion.configTransient(AxisAll, 0.5f, 100, MotionInterrupt1);
    // Attach MotionInterrupt1 to the pulseDetected function
    Motion.attachInterrupt(MotionInterrupt1, myInterruptHandler);

void loop()
    uint8_t event;
    uint8_t source;
    if (on_interrupt)
        event = Motion.getInterruptSource();
        if (event & MotionEventAnyMotion)
            // Any motion detected
            source = Motion.getAnyMotionSource();
            // ... Process 'source' ...
        if (event & MotionEventTransient)
            // Transient detected
            source = Motion.getTransientSource();
            // ... Process 'source' ...

void myInterruptHandler()
    // Signal on_interrupt
    on_interrupt = true;


Use this function to retrieve on which axis an “Any Motion” event was detected.


uint8_t getAnyMotionSource();




The function returns a combination of any of these values:

  • MotionDetected: This flag indicates that a motion has been detected.

  • MotionOnX: This flag indicates that a motion has been detected on the X axis.

  • MotionNegativeX: This flag indicates that the motion on the X axis is a negative acceleration.

  • MotionOnY: This flag indicates that a motion has been detected on the Y axis.

  • MotionNegativeY: This flag indicates that the motion on the Y axis is a negative acceleration.

  • MotionOnZ: This flag indicates that a motion has been detected on the Z axis.

  • MotionNegativeZ: This flag indicates that the motion on the Z axis is a negative acceleration.


void setup()

    // Configure "Any Motion" to 1G during 500ms.
    Motion.configAnyMotion(AxisAll, 1, 500);

void loop()
    uint8_t any_motion;
    any_motion = Motion.getAnyMotionSource();
    if (any_motion & MotionDetected)
        if (any_motion & MotionOnX)
            // Process motion on X axis
        if (any_motion & MotionOnY)
            // Process motion on Y axis
        if (any_motion & MotionOnZ)
            // Process motion on Z axis


The Motion.getTransientSource function behaves just as the Motion.getAnyMotionSource() function but for “Transient” events. The function returns the same values.

See Motion.getAnyMotionSource().


Use this function to retrieve on which axis a “Pulse” event was detected.


uint8_t getPulseSource();




The function returns a combination of any of these values:

  • MotionPulseDetected: This flag indicates that a “Pulse” event has been detected.
  • MotionPulseOnX: This flag indicates that a “Pulse” event has been detected on the X axis.
  • MotionPulseNegativeX: This flag indicates that the “Pulse” event on the X axis has a negative acceleration.
  • MotionPulseOnY: This flag indicates that a “Pulse” event has been detected on the Y axis.
  • MotionPulseNegativeY: This flag indicates that the “Pulse” event on the Y axis has a negative acceleration.
  • MotionPulseOnZ: This flag indicates that a “Pulse” event has been detected on the Z axis.
  • MotionPulseNegativeZ: This flag indicates that the “Pulse” event on the Z axis has a negative acceleration.
  • MotionDoublePulse: This flag indicates that a “Double Pulse” event has been detected.


void setup()

    // Configure "Pulse" to 1G during 50ms and 100ms latency
    Motion.configPulse(AxisAll, 1, 50, 100);

void loop()
    uint8_t pulse;
    pulse = Motion.getPulseSource();
    if (pulse & MotionPulseDetected)
        if (pulse & MotionPulseOnX)
            // Process pulse on X axis
        if (pulse & MotionPulseOnY)
            // Process pulse on Y axis
        if (pulse & MotionPulseOnZ)
            // Process pulse on Z axis


Use this function to know if the motion sensor is enabled.


bool isEnabled();




Returns true if the sensor is enabled, false otherwise. (g)

Use this function to read the actual acceleration values from the sensor.


bool read(float* x, float* y, float* z);


The x parameter is a pointer to a float that will receive the current X axis acceleration value.

The y parameter is a pointer to a float that will receive the current Y axis acceleration value.

The z parameter is a pointer to a float that will receive the current Z axis acceleration value.


Returns true on success, false otherwise.


void setup()

void loop()
    float x, y, z;
    if (, &y, &z))
        // Process x, y and z   
} (raw)

Use this function to read the actual axis register values (raw axis data) from the sensor.


bool read(int16_t* x, int16_t* y, int16_t* z);


The x parameter is a pointer to an unsigned 16-bit that will receive the current X axis raw value.

The y parameter is a pointer to an unsigned 16-bit that will receive the current Y axis raw value.

The z parameter is a pointer to an unsigned 16-bit that will receive the current Z axis raw value.


Returns true on success, false otherwise.


void setup()

void loop()
    int16_t x, y, z;
    if (, &y, &z))
        // Process x, y and z   


Use this function to read any register of the motion sensor.


bool readRegister(uint8_t reg, uint8_t* value);


The reg parameter is the register address to read. Refer to Addendum: registers definition.

The value parameter is a pointer to an unsigned 8-bit variable that will receive the register value.


Returns true on success, false otherwise.


void setup()
    uint8_t register;
    // Read status register
    Motion.readRegister(MMA8452_STATUS, ®ister);


Use this function to write to any register of the motion sensor.


bool writeRegister(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value);


The reg parameter is the register address to write. Refer to Addendum: registers definition.

The value paramter is the value to write.


Returns true on success, false otherwise.


void setup()
    uint8_t register;
    // Read CTRL_REG1 register
    Motion.readRegister(MMA8452_CTRL_REG1, ®ister);
    // Write enable flag
    Motion.writeRegister(MMA8452_CTRL_REG1, reg | 1);

Addendum: Registers definition

Here follows a list of constants with the definition of the registers you can use with the Motion.readRegister and Motion.writeRegister functions.

#define MMA8452_STATUS              0x00
#define MMA8452_OUT_X_MSB           0x01
#define MMA8452_OUT_X_LSB           0x02
#define MMA8452_OUT_Y_MSB           0x03
#define MMA8452_OUT_Y_LSB           0x04
#define MMA8452_OUT_Z_MSB           0x05
#define MMA8452_OUT_Z_LSB           0x06
#define MMA8452_SYSMOD              0x0B
#define MMA8452_INT_SOURCE          0x0C
#define MMA8452_WHO_AM_I            0x0D
#define MMA8452_XYZ_DATA_CFG        0x0E
#define MMA8452_HP_FILTER_CUTOFF    0x0F
#define MMA8452_PL_STATUS           0x10
#define MMA8452_PL_CFG              0x11
#define MMA8452_PL_COUNT            0x12
#define MMA8452_PL_BF_ZCOMP         0x13
#define MMA8452_P_L_THS_REG         0x14
#define MMA8452_FF_MT_CFG           0x15
#define MMA8452_FF_MT_SRC           0x16
#define MMA8452_FF_MT_THS           0x17
#define MMA8452_FF_MT_COUNT         0x18
#define MMA8452_TRANSIENT_CFG       0x1D
#define MMA8452_TRANSIENT_SRC       0x1E
#define MMA8452_TRANSIENT_THS       0x1F
#define MMA8452_TRANSIENT_COUNT     0x20
#define MMA8452_PULSE_CFG           0x21
#define MMA8452_PULSE_SRC           0x22
#define MMA8452_PULSE_THSX          0x23
#define MMA8452_PULSE_THSY          0x24
#define MMA8452_PULSE_THSZ          0x25
#define MMA8452_PULSE_TMLT          0x26
#define MMA8452_PULSE_LTCY          0x27
#define MMA8452_PULSE_WIND          0x28
#define MMA8452_ASLP_COUNT          0x29
#define MMA8452_CTRL_REG1           0x2A
#define MMA8452_CTRL_REG2           0x2B
#define MMA8452_CTRL_REG3           0x2C
#define MMA8452_CTRL_REG4           0x2D
#define MMA8452_CTRL_REG5           0x2E
#define MMA8452_OFF_X               0x2F
#define MMA8452_OFF_Y               0x30
#define MMA8452_OFF_Z               0x31