Those Blue Little Boxes

Those Little Blue Boxes

Behold: our new packaging! Your next order will arrive inside one of our brand new, custom-made blue boxes!

Say goodbye to the old anonymously-standard brown boxes. Now we have a branded Artekit Labs packaging, tailor-made for us.

105x85 box 140x55 Box


We have a 10.5×8.5×2.8 cm model and a 14×5.5×2.8 cm model. Beside the cosmetic reasons, both models were though to contain most of our products. Specially the 14×5.5 cm box that was designed to contain some cables types, pin headers and WS2812 LED strips, that were difficult to fit inside the old boxes. And it has our logo!


Artekit logo on box

The boxes are made by Max Box S.R.L., a local factory here in Le Marche, Italy, with 100% recycled cardboard.

And more are coming. We are already thinking on a bigger model to fit the big development boards, some models of breadboards and for big orders, that will still travel inside the previous brown boxes.

Thank you for reading, and for your support, that makes all this possible.

The Artekit Team.

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